Dan Empfield reviews the Quintana Roo's PRFour

Dan Empfield reviews the Quintana Roo's PRFour

  Dan Empfield from Slowtwitch.com took a deep dive into Quintana Roo's PRFour. Profile is a proud to work with Quintana Roo and to be specced on their bikes.  Dan goes on to write "QR did the very smartest thing it could do: spec Profile Design aerobars".  Check out the full review at slowtwitch.com.
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Cyclingabout.com write up on "Bikepacking" Aerobars

Cyclingabout.com write up on "Bikepacking" Aerobars

Cyclingabout.com has done an awesome write up on the importance of Aerobars while "Bikepacking." Among other attributes they state that "Aerobars will help to reduce your frontal area, resulting in higher riding speeds for the same amount of effort." Topics covered include armrest, arm pad, extension and height adjustments. If you are into "Bike...
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